Standing Out For The Right Reasons – Achieving The Gold Standard

Since its foundation in 1912 when the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) first received its Royal Charter the CII has grown to become one of the foremost and most respected bodies for Insurance and Financial Services in the world.  Such is the status of the CII that its exams and qualifications are now recognised and used in over 150 countries worldwide.

It was not until 2007 that the CII created the title of Chartered Insurance Broker (CIB) for those firms of Insurance Brokers who could demonstrate that they have achieved and continue to achieve the very highest standards of professionalism.

This is demonstrated by the number of ACII qualified staff that the firm must employ, a number of whom have to hold the title Chartered Insurance Broker in their own right. It is mandatory that the Broking firms who achieve Chartered status have to have in place not only an appropriate professional development programme but also have to adhere to core values and business practices that align with the CII Code of Ethics. Access to a CIB must also be available to all customers if requested.

It is perhaps not surprising then that in the last six years fewer than 200 firms of Insurance Brokers have achieved this Gold Standard.

Although only incorporated in October 2012 Sentinel Corporate Risk have been  able to demonstrate that they meet the demanding needs of the CII by being awarded the title of Chartered Insurance Broker, joining their peers in the highest echelons of the industry. An achievement of which they can be justifiably proud, making them stand out for the right reasons.

As a customer of Sentinel Corporate Risk you can rest assured your insurance programme is in very good hands.