Resulting from a raffle at the recent rugby event, and past collections, we raised a total of £700 for North West Air Ambulance Charity.
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Here you will find news stories about our company and employees as well as information, stories and important updates from the insurance industry.
Resulting from a raffle at the recent rugby event, and past collections, we raised a total of £700 for North West Air Ambulance Charity.
Read moreThis week, Sentinel Corporate Risk and Insurance Services Limited received confirmation and congratulations from the Institute that our Chartered Insurance Brokers status has been renewed for a further 12 months. The title “Chartered Insurance Brokers” is a public declaration that the advise we give to all of our clients: is of the highest quality; and […]
Read moreAXA Insurance had more claims for deafness than any other type of workplace injury or illness in 2012, at a cost of £26 million. But it is possible that the increase in noise-induced hearing loss claims are being fuelled by claims management companies and compensation lawyers and not necessarily based on a genuine increase in […]
Read moreIntroducing young people to the world of work can help them understand the work environment, choose future careers or prepare for employment. For many employers there are real benefits of providing work experience opportunities for young people from being part of a Corporate Social Responsibility policy to identifying future talent but as Judith Hackett, Chair […]
Read moreFive year’s on from the introduction of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act, AXA Business Insurance warns that many businesses with company vans are not following the most basic of steps to protect themselves against potential prosecution in the event of an accident. Estimates suggest that a third of all traffic accidents in the […]
Read moreWith effect from the 31st July 2013 new rules are being introduced to the way accident claims are to be notified by claimants, and also the process these claims will follow. The changes have been introduced to counter the definite rise in the cost of insurance claims and premiums seen over the last decade which […]
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